Thank you to our amazing community
The vital work of CHOC would not be possible without the impactful generosity of our donors. We are deeply grateful to the following individuals, organizations, corporations and foundations who support care at CHOC and CHOC Mission. When your compassion meets our mission, amazing things happen for kids in our community.
Circle of Life
The following donors have designated CHOC in their will or estate plans and/or are major gift supporters of endowments. The legacy of these generous donors will live on through their gifts, helping to ensure excellence in healthcare for future generations.
Anonymous (40)
A-Med Health Care
Albert M. Schulten
Alexander Falcone Trust
Alice and Maurice Burns
Alta and Willard Greatwood
American Honda Motor Co., Inc
Amy Elise Jelmeland Foundation
Andrew and Rollande Van Husten
Anita R. Fox
Ann Forkey
Anna Lee Mallory Trust
Annie and Martin McDonald
Anthony C. Change, MD, MBA, MPH
Antonio Thompson Trust Fund
April Hughes Rath Living Trust
Arndt Family Trust
B. Bradford and Mary W. Richardson Trust
B. Smith and F. Smith Family Trust
Barbara and Charles Starns
Barbara Steele Williams
Bill Holmes
Blue Cross of California
Bonnie J. Sullivan
Borie Family Exemption Trust
Brian and Brenda Deeley Family Trust
Brown Family Revocable Living Trust
Carl Boschan Trust
Carmen and Tanya Rosborough
Carmen Fontes Mendoza
Carol A. and Louis P. Castellana
Carol M. Cox
Cathy Dayton
Charles G. McGaughey Estate
Charlotte B. Shove Trust
CHOC Padrinos
Chris and Julie Rommel
Christina and Edward Sellers, Jr.
Cinderella Guild
Cindy and Ron McMackin
Clyde A. Martin Trust
Clyde F. Newton Trust
Coast Iron and Steel Co.
Col. Robert and Rose Marie Rick
Curtis A. and Varla E. N. Knauss
Daniel Robert Davidson
Danielle and Eric Groen
Darlene M. Moore
Darrel C. Wilson Trust
Debra Reed and Phyllis Schuffler
Della Hart Trust Diane S. Marchetti Memorial Foundation
Delores and Claude Cohn
Delphine Lee and Ron Ainsworth
Don and Ellen Smith
Donald and Ann Emero
Donald Northwood Trust
Dorothy Ruth Myers
Doug and Nancy Kraus Family
Douglas Corbin
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold O. Beckman, PhD
Dr. and Mrs. Joe Livingston
Dr. and Mrs. L. Frank Kellogg, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Nick G. Anas
Dr. and Mrs. Scott J. Rowen
Dr. and Mrs. Sherwin Gillman
Dr. Eric M. Rowen and Elizabeth I. Covington
Dr. and Mrs. L. Kenneth Heuler
Dr. Stanley P. Galant
Dr. Wickliff Stack Trust
Eastwood Insurance Services
Edith and Alfred Trone
Edward L Anderson Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Eleanor Heitkamp Trust
Elizabeth Mead
Elwood and Shirley Banning Trust
Emma Jane Riley Trust
Eric P. Wybrant Irrevocable Trust
Estate of Adeline Halter
Estate of Aida A. Foti
Estate of Albert Boisvert
Estate of Ann Cooper
Estate of Ann Otte
Estate of Anne Duffy
Estate of Arabella C. Williams
Estate of Arthur Benn
Estate of Arthur Edward Mills
Estate of Audrey I. Akeson
Estate of Augustus Bailey
Estate of Avis C. Atkinson
Estate of Beryke K Hintzke
Estate of Bessie Almquist
Estate of Bessie I. Emig
Estate of Betty Lou Faust
Estate of Betty Toner
Estate of Beverly K. Brennan
Estate of Bricker Campbell
Estate of Bruce E. Del Mar
Estate of Bruce E. Tricinella
Estate of Camille H. Marcan
Estate of Carl D. Sanborn
Estate of Carol Ann Wilson
Estate of Catherine A. Scrafield
Estate of Cecile Stephens
Estate of Charles Pumpian
Estate of Chester Israel
Estate of Clara Olson
Estate of Clifford Vogel
Estate of Clyde L. Dack
Estate of Corinne Franklin
Estate of Corinthia Nye
Estate of Dagmar Nannfeldt
Estate of Dennis A. O’Hern
Estate of Dennis R. Pickar
Estate of Donalda Adrien Pelletier
Estate of Donald G. Clerico
Estate of Donald Kocher
Estate of Dora Hooker Adams
Estate of Doris E. Covelli-Kreitz
Estate of Doris K. Miller
Estate of Dorothy F. Lytle
Estate of Dorothy G. Moore
Estate of Dorothy M. Booth
Estate of Dorothy Pinckney
Estate of Dorothy Uehlein
Estate of Dorothy Virginia Burda
Estate of Dwight McKinney
Estate of Edeltraud M. Webster
Estate of Edith Colling
Estate of Edith M. Marks
Estate of Edna O. Rinde
Estate of Edwin Freund
Estate of Effie Briggs
Estate of Elizabeth Jane Kincaid
Estate of Elizabeth Anne LaRiviere
Estate of Elizabeth Leedke
Estate of Elizabeth M. OConnor
Estate of Elisabeth M. Visser
Estate of Elmer Steward Hurt
Estate of Eloise Horn
Estate of Elsie J. Dewey
Estate of Elsie Malone
Estate of Ernest Kessler
Estate of Esther Stewart
Estate of Ethel Wesenberg
Estate of Evan Evans
Estate of Faith A. Corey
Estate of Fay R. Arblaster
Estate of Florence Brin
Estate of Florence Hullsick
Estate of Florence J. Gardner
Estate of Florence Keeley
Estate of Florence Miller
Estate of Frances A. Haymond
Estate of Frances Lillian Greve
Estate of Frank S. Scott
Estate of Frederick Rowe
Estate of Garnet E. Gay
Estate of Gayle Knowlden
Estate of Geri White
Estate of Gertrude L. Kelty
Estate of Gladys Balch
Estate of Gladys Munoz
Estate of Glenn A Cramer
Estate of Grace L. Lotz
Estate of Grace McLean
Estate of Grace W. Parsons
Estate of Gurli Lindgreen
Estate of Guy R. Hickey
Estate of Halsey H. Soderberg
Estate of Harold Vincent
Estate of Harry Cohen
Estate of Harvey Kessler
Estate of Helen G. Smith
Estate of Helen George Harding
Estate of Helen Grimes
Estate of Helen May Misevic
Estate of Helen Welty
Estate of Helene Valle
Estate of Hermine W. Kirk
Estate of Hertha E. MacLachlan
Estate of Horace S. Mazet
Estate of Irene Kaye
Estate of Irma Hunting
Estate of Ivy Birt
Estate of Kirk Kerkorian
Estate of James A. Gibbons
Estate of James B. Whitcomb
Estate of James Gordon Simpson
Estate of James R. Blalock
Estate of Jane B. Antrobus
Estate of Jane Poyer
Estate of Jane Sonin
Estate of Janet Koehler
Estate of Jean C. Cleary
Estate of Jean McArthur
Estate of Jean Nelson
Estate of Joan A. Doyle
Estate of Joan G. DeMarais
Estate of John and Carol Cazier
Estate of John D. Cashman
Estate of Juanita L. King
Estate of Karen A. Richmond
Estate of Katherine L. Korsmeier
The Estate of Kelly Lee Tarantello
Estate of Laura L. Blakey
Estate of Laura Richardson
Estate of Leonard Peruzzi
Estate of Leslie Gilling
Estate of Letty Aguilu
Estate of Lewis H. Himmelrich
Estate of Lillian Gibson
Estate of Lisa Murphy
Estate of Lloyd B Ferrell
Estate of Loretta Klyn
Estate of Lorraine C. Reed
Estate of Lorraine M. Schulz
Estate of Lorraine Parker
Estate of Lotta Mathison
Estate of Louis Corrado
Estate of Louis Goldstein
Estate of Louis I. Rasmussen
Estate of Louise Bowman
Estate of Louise M. Sowder
Estate of Louise Schmied
Estate of Lucille B. Brown
Estate of Lucille Brown
Estate of Lucille L. Wilson
Estate of Luther E. Swink
Estate of Lyle S. Smith
Estate of Magdelene G. Hobson
Estate of Margaret E. Chambers
Estate of Margaret E. MacKenzie
Estate of Margaret I. Riggs
Estate of Margaret J. Corkett
Estate of Margaret L. Emrick
Estate of Margaret Norman Wilson
Estate of Margaret R. Silva
Estate of Margaret Rose Armstrong
Estate of Margery E. Cook
Estate of Maria-Teresa Velo
Estate of Mary W. Flippen
Estate of Marie R. Groschan
Estate of Marilyn Bunyak
Estate of Marion R. Riley
Estate of Marjorie A. Ball
Estate of Marjorie Trowbridge
Estate of Mark Lee Diedrich Padgett
Estate of Marla S. Gitterman
Estate of Marshall Sperry
Estate of Martha Ilene Sheff-Schmehl
Estate of Mary Alice Adams
Estate of Mary Allaben
Estate of Mary C. Alton
Estate of Mary C. Young
Estate of Mary Jo Kratz
Estate of Maryetta S. Craig
Estate of Matilda Haworth
Estate of Maxine Nevin
Estate of Mildred Hagman
Estate of Myrtle Biddle
Estate of Nancy Ellen Glick
Estate of Nancy Krantz
Estate of Natalie H. Schuckmell, M.D.
Estate of O. Carl Schulz
Estate of Olga Valenzuela
Estate of Patricia Emison Cox
Estate of Paul Alvich
Estate of Pauline G. Lewis
Estate of Peter Bonderoff
Estate of Peter J. Benno
Estate of Phyllis L. Sillery
Estate of Raymond D. Fuller
Estate of Raymond Hansell
Estate of Renee Rice
Estate of Richard E. Landfield
Estate of Rita Marchetti
Estate of Robert H. Atherton
Estate of Robert L. Tidwell
Estate of Robert L. Protzman
Estate of Robert Lobanoff
Estate of Ronald Miller
Estate of Rosa P. Togel
Estate of Rose J. Runyon
Estate of Rose K. Meyer
Estate of Rosemary Hinko
Estate of Rosi Bening
Estate of Ruth Ann Hyson
Estate of Ruth A. Pruitt
Estate of Ruth Coryell
Estate of Ruth L. Payne
Estate of Ruth M. Braunger
Estate of Ruth Miller
Estate of Ruth E. Miller
Estate of Sam Joe Sears
Estate of Shirley Baron Levy
Estate of Thomas Harper Emison
Estate of Todd Thane MacAndrew
Estate of Tracy Brewer
Estate of V. P. Baker
Estate of Venetta J. Petska
Estate of Veronica Connors
Estate of Victoria Schultz
Estate of Viola Bea White
Estate of Viola C. Allen
Estate of Virginia H. Daubenspeck
Estate of Vivian M. Warinner
Estate of Walter and Aline Portner
Estate of Walter P. Fenimore
Estate of Walter D. Douglas II
Estate of William and Dorsetta O’Donnell
Estate of William Erick White
Estate of William McPherson
Estate of William W. Curtis
Estate of Zoe Ellen Keller
Estate of Zorka Bukar
Esther Leider Living Trust
Esther V. Bruggere
Eugene Sommerhalder Bequest
Evelyn and David Simon
Evelyn McFarland Hayden Fund
Evelyn B. Smith
Evelyn Zelle Trust
Fern M. Wessels Trust
Florence Fuller Trust
Florence W. Jones
Frances R. Toman Trust
Frank J. Luna
George Burgess
Gerard Jessie Shuchter Trust
Glass Slipper Guild
Grace Whisler
GandM Oil Company Inc
Gregory W. Holcomb
Harper Family Trust
Helen E. Black
Helen J. Ely Trust
Helen L. Honer Trust
Helen L. Russell
Helen Seamon Beal Trust
Henrietta and Harold Lee
Herbert Isett Trust
Howard A. and Shirley V. Jones Family Foundation
Hurt Family Trust
Irene and Jack Frost
Jack A. Candelori
Jack and Jill Guild
Jack Rollins Family Trust
James and Martha Lindsey Trust
James L. McKenzie Trust
James McKenzie Living Trust
James Vandervoort Living Trust
Jane and John Parker
Jean M. Fox
Jeanne M. Walker, PhD
Jennie J. Boettgenbach Trust
Jenny Schell
Jerry Clark
Jess Miller Living Trust
Jim and Sharon Goodwin
Jody Anne Forster Trust
John and Vicki Sack
John E. Goerlich Charitable Trust
Jon and Judith Swail Trust
Jon and Melinda Muller Family
John and Roxie McQuade
Jonas Cohen Estate
Joseph and Janet Vierling Trust
Joseph Siegel Trust
Judith and Robert Hultine
Judith and Thomas Kaszer
Julie Garn
Karen and Gary Frailing
Karen L. Cornell
Kathleen Hehn
Kathryn T. McCarty
Kelly and David Emmes
Ken and Yen Thi Otsubo
Kent-Detwiler Unitrust
Kent-Edwards Unitrust
Kent-Harper Unitrust
Kent-McKelvy Unitrust
Kerri and Andrew Schiller
Khol’s Cares
Kimberly and Glenn Cripe
Koenigsberger Family
Larry and Kim Dickson
Laura Tucker Unitrust
Lauren N. Kear
Lenore M. Penney Trust
Lezlie Brown-Zoller
Lillian B. May Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Littlest Angel Guild
Liz and Ryan Hawkins
Lois Y Haddad Charitable Trust
Louise Oresky Trust
Luhmann Family Trust
Lynne Stoner
Mac Cameron Jones
Manny and Leyla Khoshbin
Margaret M. Tinsman Trust
Margaret Lorraine Sprague
Margorie B. Salfer
Maria E. Minon, MD
Marianne and Leo Kreter
Marjorie B. Ardron Trust
Mark and Susan Hillgren
Marilyn Hester Robbins and William Robbins
Marvin Carroll Miller Trust
Mary and Paul Sowa
Maryann and Ray Ardanaz
Mary Adele Trudeau Estate
Mary B. Emrich
Mary Lee and William H. Beck
Mary Louise Schwennesen
Mary N. Duggans
Mathilde and Frank Keneley
Maureen C. Downes, MD
Maxine Huber
May A. Dudley
Medical Specialties Managers Inc.
Melanie and Douglas Patterson
Michael Vrbas
Michael Wehn, Sharan Wehn and Richard Huffman
Mildred Lawless
Mildred M. Volkel Trust
Miles Charitable Unitrust
Miller Foundation
Minnie W. Myers Estate
Miriam Kaywood
Molly and Sidney Adler, MD
Moore Family Trust
Moran, Rowen and Dorsey, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hilkevitch
Ms. Alma Giroux
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Cosentino
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Peets
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Yeager
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Dorin
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lentz II
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Mayberry
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chandik
Mr. and Mrs. Max Wills
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Maxsenti
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon D. Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stegemeier
Mr. and Mrs. Shelly S. Singhal
Mr. Anthony Boutelle
Mr. Daniel Davidson
Mr. Gary Voorhest
Mr. Ivan Peltier
Mr. James A. Lee and Mrs. Nancy J. Lee
Mr. John F. Custance
Mr. Larry Kitto
Mr. Lawrence D. Dearman
Mr. Richard H. Bigelow
Mr. Thomas Weeda
Mrs. Alisa Brown
Mrs. Elizabeth Warden
Mrs. Jean Rothschild
Mrs. Jeanette Stein
Mrs. Margaret E. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Symons
Mrs. Sheila C. Zechter
Ms. Donna L. Sharkey
Ms. Gail Bales
Ms. Kathryn M. Hennigan
Ms. Margaret McElroy
Ms. Marlyn Miller
Mr. James N. Smith
Mr. Marshall Bull
Mr. Wilfred L. Landis, II
Ms. Patricia A. Hofmann
Ms. Rose Marie Angiuli
Ms. Sandra Brodie
Mrs. Sarah Faber
Ms. Sylvia Burnett
Muhonen Family
Music for a Cure, Inc.
Nancy and Robert Kuppenheimer
Nora and Charles Hester
Pacific Meridian Construction
Pamela Haller
Paul and Evelyn M. Wickman
Pauline G. Campbell
Pearl R. Hoag Trust
Pediatric Subspecialty Faculty, Inc.
Peter B. Rothschild
Peter H. Kaufman Trust
Phil N. Allen Charitable Trust
Piatelli Trust by Lorraine Howell
Ralphs/Food 4 Less
Rancho Mission Viejo Rodeo
R.D. and Wendy C. Bailey
Ralph G. Beagle Trust
Ramsay McCue
Raymond Stansbury Family Trust
Raymond V. and Ramona W. Merle Trust
Rebecca Hornstein Estate
RJ Produce Distributors Inc
Richard C. and Virginia A. Hunsaker
Richard W. Movius
Richmond C. and Sally A. Gipple
Ridings Family Trust
Robert and Gloria Ullman
Robert E. Harke and Mary R. Harke Family
Robert M. and Diana Leaverton Family
Roy C. Green Charitable Trust
Roy Ford
Russell and Ruth Morgan Trust
Ruth Lillian Dunn Trust
Ruth Reich Trust
Ruth V. Combs Trust
Ryan and Catriona Cairns
Sarah J. McElroy
Sharon and Bruce Furniss
Shelley and Douglas Pricer
Shruti and Nolan Miyashiro
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Smart Patio Plus
Sophie and Lars Holmquist
Stephen McPherson Trust
Stew and Vera McDonald Unitrust
Susie Titus
Swenson Family Foundation
Sue Ann and Mark Cross
Susan and Roderick McDonald
Tamblin Smith Trust
Tawa Charitable Foundation
Team Select Home Care
The Albertsons Companies Foundation
The Allison Deeley Special Needs Trust
The Anderson Trust
The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
The Cherese Mari Laulhere Foundation
The Estate of Flora Mae Wagle
The Estate of Joyce and Jerry Froot
The Fox Family Trust
The Frank Brackett Trust
The Gary Edward Minassian Living Trust
The Gertrude M. Eckhart Trust
The Hersh Living Trust
The Hood Family Trust
The Lockney Family Trust
The Margaret Austrem Reed Trust
The Robert and Helga Pralle Family Foundation
The Rowland Family Trust
The Schwartz Family Trust
The Slater Trust
The Wintrode Family
Tinkerbell Guild
Tom Beeghly
Trothy Lee Hamann
Van Dolah and Associates, Inc.
Viola Navarro Trust
Vivien and Dan Hyman
Wendell R. Hurlbut
West American Rubber Company, LLC
Wieser Family Trust
Wilma V. Burnett
Miracle Makers
CHOC proudly honors the following donors who have made a cumulative gift of $1 million or more. The exceptional generosity of these visionaries demonstrates their compassion for children and families.
Circle of Heroes
These donors have dedicated support to CHOC totaling between $100,000 and $999,999 cumulatively. The generosity of these major contributors demonstrates their spirit of giving as well as their unwavering commitment to kids in need.
Circle of Friends
CHOC gratefully recognizes the following donors, who have given a gift of $10,000 to $99,999 between July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024. The dedication and generosity of these donors are truly important to the future of CHOC, and their support is deeply appreciated.