Thank you to our amazing community
The vital work of CHOC would not be possible without the impactful generosity of our donors. We are deeply grateful to the following individuals, organizations, corporations and foundations who support care at CHOC and CHOC Mission. When your compassion meets our mission, amazing things happen for kids in our community.
Miracle Makers
CHOC proudly honors the following donors who have made a cumulative gift of $1 million or more. The exceptional generosity of these visionaries demonstrates their compassion for children and families.
Anonymous (7)
Allied Anesthesia Medical Group, Inc.
The Argyros Family Foundation
The Argyros Family Trust
Estate of Margaret Rose Armstrong
Blizzard Entertainment
Blue Cross of California
Blue Shield of California Foundation
Estate of Louise Bowman
BP West Coast Products, LLC
California/Nevada Credit Union League
CHOC Children’s Volunteers
CHOC Padrinos
Cinderella Guild
Cisco Systems
The Clemons Family Foundation
Costco Wholesale Members, Employees and Vendors
The Crean Foundation
Credit Unions for Kids
Dhont Family Foundation
Disneyland® Resort
Estate of Walter D. Douglas II
Anaheim Ducks
EMSOC-Emergency Medicine Specialists of Orange County
Estate of Mary W. Flippen
Foundation of Caring
Jean M. Fox
The Orange County Register/Freedom Communications, Inc.
Fry Family Foundation
Monica and Christopher Furman
Richmond C. and Sally A. Gipple
Ms. Alma Giroux
Glass Slipper Guild
Jim and Sharon Goodwin
Mickie’s Miracles
The William, Jeff and Jennifer Gross Family Foundation
The HealthCare Foundation For Orange County
Nora and Charles Hester
George Hoag Family Foundation
Larry and Helen Hoag Foundation
Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian
Bill Holmes
Sophie and Lars Holmquist
Richard C. and Virginia A. Hunsaker
Vivien and Dan Hyman
Hyundai Hope on Wheels
The James Irvine Foundation
Jack and Jill Guild
Howard A. and Shirley V. Jones Family Foundation
Lauren N. Kear
Manny and Leyla Khoshbin
The Shannon and Amy Ko Foundation
Kohl’s Cares
Lamp Lighter Guild
The Cherese Mari Laulhere Foundation
Robert M. and Diana Leaverton Family
Henrietta and Harold Lee
Delphine Lee and Ron Ainsworth
Josie Y.S. Lee
The LeVecke Family Foundation
Little Mermaid Guild
Littlest Angel Guild
Living Legacy Foundation
Los Ninos Guild
Frank J. Luna
The Sharon D. Lund Foundation
From My Heart Endowment
Mad Hatter Guild
The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation
Marriott International
McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.
Kathryn T. McCarty
Raymond V. and Ramona W. Merle Trust
Miller Foundation
Mother Goose Guild
Gemini Resources and Marybelle and Sebastian Paul Musco
The Nicholas Endowment
Orange County Community Foundation
P.A.D.R.E. Foundation
Pacific Life Foundation
Panda Express
Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation
Pediatric Subspecialty Faculty, Inc.
The David Pyle Family
Queen of Hearts Guild
Rite Aid Corporation
Samueli Foundation
SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union
Sandy Segerstrom Daniels
The Walden W. and Jean Young Shaw Foundation
Small World Guild
B. Smith and F. Smith Family Trust
South Coast Air Quality Management District
Spirit Halloween
Margaret Lorraine Sprague
Harry and Grace Steele Foundation
Ralph and Sue Stern and Family
Mark and Dinah Stevens
Swenson Family Foundation
Estate of Luther E. Swink
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Symons
William and Nancy Thompson Family Foundation
Mr. Bill Thompson
Estate of Robert L. Tidwell
Tinkerbell Guild
Susie Titus
Toyota Motor Sales, USA
Tres Osos Guild
Tsao Family Foundation
Peter and Virginia Ueberroth Family Foundation
UniHealth Foundation
United Way of Orange County
Estate of Maria-Teresa Velo
Mrs. Tusdi Vopat and Mr. Stuart McClure
Walmart Stores and Sam’s Club Associates and Members
Weingart Foundation
West Coast University
Circle of Heroes
These donors have dedicated support to CHOC totaling between $100,000 and $999,999 cumulatively. The generosity of these major contributors demonstrates their spirit of giving as well as their unwavering commitment to kids in need.
Circle of Life
The following donors have designated CHOC in their will or estate plans and/or are major gift supporters of endowments. The legacy of these generous donors will live on through their gifts, helping to ensure excellence in healthcare for future generations.
Circle of Friends
CHOC gratefully recognizes the following donors, who have given a gift of $10,000 to $99,999 between July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024. The dedication and generosity of these donors are truly important to the future of CHOC, and their support is deeply appreciated.